There’s been no shortage of bad news in the past two years. From the pandemic to supply chain and labor shortages to inflation, there’s been plenty to be down about. The housing market, however, has delivered nothing but good news.

Home prices went gangbusters in 2021 hitting record highs across the country. There are many reasons why this happened but […]

There’s no doubt 2021 was a strong year for the housing market. High demand led to high asking prices and less time on the market. This meant 2021 was a seller’s market across the country. While housing prices increased steadily over the years, more recently we’ve seen double-digit increases due to the high demand and low supply.

As hope for a reviving economy staggers in about a year and a half after the first declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. real estate market appears to be following historical trends, albeit lacking in volume. Let’s take a look at some of the major indicators for housing in the U.S.

The American economy, along with the rest of the world, has experienced significant economic turmoil over the last two years […]

One positive thing we can always look back to in 2020 is the real estate market’s performance. Curious to know how the US real estate market did during the past year? Click this post!

The real estate and mortgage market in the United States has been significantly affected by the Coronavirus outbreak, much like any other essential service industry in the country. Mortgage rates have been really low, but supply and demand blew up property prices.

You might have heard that the Fed just cut its benchmark interest rate for the first time in nearly a decade—what does this mean for the housing market as we head into the fall?