Did you know that bad credit could cost consumers more than $200,000 in extra interest in their lifetimes? By utilizing the following guidelines, you can repair an unfavorable credit score and improve financial health.

Here are some of the factors behind the decline in starter homes and some possible solutions to the current affordability crisis.

On average, each adult in the US with a credit card is carrying over $5,000 on their cards. If this sounds like you, here are six ways to whittle down that number.

Traveling for the holidays is often stressful. Planning your schedule carefully and taking extra measures to keep your kids happy will put everyone in a better mood, making for a more enjoyable holiday season.

Do you spend big money so that a house will look better for buyers and hope for a better sales price? Or do you skimp on sprucing the place up and live with the sales price you get?

The holiday season can bring a lot of extra décor and excitement. Follow these safety tips to keep your pets happy and healthy.

If you or someone you know is considering retirement and is concerned about cash flow, a reverse mortgage may provide a solution.

Opting for a 15-year mortgage instead of a 30-year commitment has a number of potential benefits. Here are four reasons to finance your home purchase with a 15-year mortgage—and two reasons to reconsider.

Lots of finance gurus advocate paying off your mortgage as soon as you possibly can. But is that always the best advice?

As the weather cools and your fun times move back indoors, it’s time to think about protecting your outdoor furniture so you can continue to enjoy it next summer and for years to come.